FDA Finally Warns Against Antibacterial Soaps

FDA Finally Warns Against Antibacterial Soaps

The Federal and Drug Administration, after years of research and petitions from scientists, have finally issued a warning on antibacterial soaps as “ineffective” and may alter hormonal levels while producing antibacterial resistant bacteria. Colleen Rogers of the FDA states that “the risk associated with daily use of antibacterial soaps may outweigh the benefits.”
Therefore the Federal Drug Administration has proposed new rules requiring manufacturers to provide more safety data, and in the meantime their warning will remain in place. The makers of antibacterial soaps have until 2016 to provide adequate data and if they cannot comply the products are to be “reformulated or removed from the market”. 
The new warning does not include alcohol based hand sanitizers (like Purell) or products used in the healthcare settings, as well as just plain old regular soap (I use Burts Bees Men’s Soap at home).
Other research articles have consistently shown that exposure to additives in antibacterial soaps is linked to an increase in psychiatric illnesses, diabetes and a multitude of other diseases. I’m unsure how the FDA officials have allowed these additives to gain a major foothold in our lives. In their statement they are clearly announcing that they did not do an adequate job in regulating products that could potentially damage our health.
In essence the FDA is stating that they need safety data or else they are going to pull the products. Wait, shouldn’t it be the other way around, that the products aren’t allows for to be marketed until adequate safety data has been provided? The FDA has their ideals very backwards in my opinion. Safety first has taken a back seat.
Since I wash my hands almost 100 times a day to protect my patients, I am always trying new products that reduce bacterial/viral loads, don’t produce antibacterial resistance as well as not killing my hands leaving them raw and dry (my wife is always handing me lotion to use when I’m at home).
Alcohol based sanitizers are good, but they are detrimental to my hands so I use Avagard D with moisturizers at my office. It’s a surgical base scrub (surgeons use it to sanitize their hands before operating) with a moisturizer included. It can be found at Amazon for pretty cheap. It has had extensive research to reduce bacterial loads without the harmful antibacterial additives research has shown to be dangerous.
Either way, get rid of all those antibacterial soaps and hand washes. Replace them with more healthy, regular soap bars/washes or an alcohol based hand sanitizer. This will improve your environment and thus improve your health.
Dr. Joseph Humpherys is a Board Certified Holistic Pediatric Physician focusing on children suffering from neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism and ADHD. He believes through a combination of modern scientific discoveries and sound nutritional advice, these illnesses can be prevented and conquered.
Learn more at http://ift.tt/1p0NAU5
Article Source: http://ift.tt/1jrkyOq

Article Source: http://ift.tt/1p0NAUd

FDA Finally Warns Against Antibacterial Soaps

FDA, Antibacterial Soaps, Finally Warns

via BestgreenApple http://ift.tt/1jrkBd0

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