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Natural Oils and Anti Aging Face Care

In the urge to look younger, people often expose their vulnerable skin to harmful chemicals and toxins. Some anti aging beauty creams, lotions and serums do more harm than good to the skin and leave a lifelong impact on skin beyond repair. No matter how high-priced the products are, the truth here is that the rich chemical composition of these products can cause nightmares to your skin. The harmful side effects of these chemicals are skin deep, contrary to the popular belief that the chemicals used in anti aging products are skin-friendly.
Oil for a healthy skin
Now, before you frown or twitch your nose, let me tell you that often the most feared things can turn out to be the best help. Since childhood, we are spoon-fed the myth of oil-free skin which is true to some extent. Our skin produces oil as a natural way of keeping it healthy and moisturized. But as we grow older, the production of natural facial oil becomes less, resulting in dehydrated and dull looking skin. That is when your intervention is required to give your skin back the oil it once used to produce young, glowing healthy skin. Just as we need fatty-acid-rich oils for a healthy body, facial oils are needed for healthy skin.
How do I know which oils are essential?
There are different types of oil which can nurture your skin and keep it healthy. But that does not mean that you have to use each and every option together for the healthiest skin. Different oils serve different purposes for different skin types. For example, sesame oil removes dead skin, fish oil is anti-inflammatory, red palm oil restores skin elasticity and regenerates new skin cells, and evening primrose oil can help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. So before you pick one randomly, you need to be aware of its usage and compatible skin types.
Natural Oil Vs Chemical Cream
Labels on most beauty products include at least 3-5 names of natural ingredients. The list will have at least one drop oil along with some tree or fruit extracts. But water and wax make the base ingredients of these beauty creams where wax is used to retain the moisture level intact. But the drawback of this wax layer on skin is that it never lets the oil component reach the skin, making it useless. But as you are applying facial oil directly on skin, it will penetrate the layers and penetrate down deep into the skin. No wonder, it will do a better job than most other creams.
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Natural Oils and Anti Aging Face Care

Anti Aging, Face Care, Natural Oils

via BestgreenApple