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Yellow Light Signs of an Asthma Attack

Yellow Light Signs of an Asthma Attack

Asthma is an affliction that closes the airways into the lungs, this is due most times to allergic reactions to many different things in the air. The brain receives a message that something is irritating the bronchi inside the lungs and automatically it starts to tighten the muscles around the throat and airways. 
Once the process starts it can only be reverse with medication. Many people have died during a crisis because action was not taken on time to provide medical care. This is why it is so important to be aware of the signs and the way the body reacts when a crisis is on the way. The initial signs of an asthma attack are nasal congestion, sneezing and wheezing as the lungs fight to receive air and expel the foreign substance irritating the bronchi.
At this point, and if the allergen invasion is not too violent, personal medication can reverse it. This of course depends on if the person has been taking his or her medication as prescribed by his doctor. A boost of medicine at this point may solve the problem by opening the lungs again.
 If medication is not taken yellow light signs will show up, they are called yellow light because they are a warning of worse things to come, possibly very soon. As the airway muscles continue to tighten around the airways and breathing is harder chest pains and a feeling of pressure, like someone sitting on your chest will be felt.
The irritation of the airways continues and their lining becomes inflamed, adding pain over grief while the muscles keep tightening and letting less and less air through to the lungs. The effort made by the chest and neck muscles to allow more through the airways causes them to become tight and to contract and expand rapidly. 
At this point in time with the lack of air and the increasing pressure in the chest the person suffering the attack will feel dizzy and will start to lose the ability to talk. All you will be able to hear is a soft whisper coming from his o her lips, there is not enough air in his lungs to scream or even talk normally.
With all the irritation going on inside the airways plus the almost closed trachea, the body will start to produce thick mucus which will stick to the irritated lining, thus making breathing even harder. The body has set off all the alarms it has letting the person know that something is wrong in his lungs and too little or nothing has been done to resolve the situation so the Respiratory System begins to shut down. 
There is nothing more that can be done outside a hospital emergency room. Every minute that goes by in this condition damages other organs because of the lack of oxygen in the blood. Dizziness turns to unconsciousness and the body collapses.
IN an extreme case which needs immediate medical attention the lips and fingernails begin to turn blue because they are not receiving oxygen. The body is diverting the flow of blood to the most important organs, the heart and the brain and even they are suffering.
 Brain cells die and heart muscles weaken very fast when the blood flowing to them does not have enough oxygen. This is the final stage of an asthma attack and it should never be reached. This is why it is so important to be attentive to the initial signs of an asthma attack. It is also vital that you understand that there is no time frame for these things to happen, it may take hours or it may take minutes, the end result will be the same if the person is not treated immediately.
My name is Cesar Batres and I have been a writer of web contents for more than five years. I enjoy my work very much and especially when the topic deals with information that will preserve or improve the reader’s health. I hope the information included is useful to the reader. Asthma is very dangerous and any person suffering from it should always be attentive to any changes in his or her respiration to avoid having to visit an emergency room.
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Yellow Light Signs of an Asthma Attack

Asthma, Yellow Light Signs, Asthma Attack

via BestgreenApple