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How Much Can You Lose With Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Drinking such drinks are not just a great way to keep healthy; they are a wonderful way to lose weight too. If you get into the habit of drinking healthy drinks, you will never go hungry, always feel satiated, and the best part, you will not have to compromise on taste. Smoothies with various combinations of greens can be real tasty and you will look forward to drinking them as meals, once you get into the habit of replacing at least two meals in a day with them
It is difficult to put an accurate figure on how much weight you can lose with such smoothies as results vary from person to person. However, it would be no exaggeration to say that if you drink them regularly and get into a proper exercise regimen you can lose up to 10 pounds in a month! Now that is a lot of weight indeed. Today, we are here to give you a few tips that will help you maximise your weight loss.
Begin Your Day with a Spinach Smoothie
If you are a major coffee drinker and just can’t seem to wake up without your morning cuppa, you should begin your day with a spinach smoothie. Spinach has a mild flavour and tonnes of energy giving nutrients. Mix it up with some berries, half a banana and half a cup of almond milk and you will feel like you have just been given an energy booster like Popeye! What’s more, if you make it a habit to drink a spinach smoothie in the morning, you will never feel the need to go back to caffeine again.
If You Like It Creamy
When you are switching a healthy lifestyle and don’t want to majorly compromise on taste, you will find a great friend in avocado. Even when you are in a pursuit to lose weight, you must get a healthy dose of good fats and protein. Since you cannot add cream to your smoothies, try putting in half an avocado instead. Avocado is a source of good fat and will cream up your smoothie making it even tastier.
Add Flax Seeds To Your Green Smoothie
If you want to see some fast and meaningful results in your weight loss program, try adding a spoonful of ground flax seeds to your smoothies. Flax seeds are rich in proteins, Omega-3 fatty acids and phytochemicals. Adding flax seeds to your drinks will help relieve you from conditions such as constipation; can help you improve your overall digestion and bring down the overall cholesterol levels in your body.
Rotation of Your Greens
When you are trying to lose weight, you have got to keep your smoothies not just healthy but have to think of the rotation of your greens too. Adding a variety of greens will not only reduce the toxicity that will come from repetition, it will also keep your weight loss recipes real interesting.
If you follow these simple and easy tips you will find that drinking such drinks is not a regimen or a punishment but a healthy and tasty path that will lead you to your weight loss goals faster.
For more delicious smoothie recipes visit These amazing smoothies are not only healthy but very yummy.
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How Much Can You Lose With Green Smoothies

lose, Green, How Much, Green Smoothies

via BestgreenApple

Amazing Health Benefits of Green Apples

Green Apples

Green apples are surely delicious. But, how many of us know about their many benefits? Of course there are various types of apples red, green as well as yellow – each of them have their very own health benefits.
They are the sweet and sour type and have sparkling green skin. Moreover, they’re juicy and hence relished by each and every person who’s ever tasted them.
Health benefits of green apples
There are literally thousands of health benefits when it comes to green apples. But, below you’ll find just a few of their amazing benefits: 
  • They are high in dietary fiber and this helps in digestion as the bowel movement is kept under control.
  • The risk of colon cancer is reduced because of the high fiber content.
  • If at all you suffer from cholesterol then green apples are surely meant for you. These apples are healthy as they offer no bad cholesterol whatsoever. They also offer you high nutrition and hence you could be well nourished and reduce weight at the same time – why did you go on diets all these years?
  • They are rich in vitamins and possess vitamin E, A, B as well as C. These vitamins help keep the skin young and healthy as well as they help in the whitening of teeth. Therefore, if your beauty conscious and looking to have ever glowing skin green apples could help you out.
  • After a heavy meal you could have one because the enzymes present help in digestion.
  • If you have at least one green apple a day that can drastically reduce your liver and other digestive tract problems.
  • People suffering from skin rashes could be benefitted from them as they usually help treat most of the skin diseases.
  • They also contain both maleic and tartaric acid hence prevents both constipation as well as diarrhoea. Therefore, green apples are a boon when it comes to digestion as they help prevent any form of indigestion.
  • They help reduce the risk of various forms of cancer as they prevent any form of mutations. Therefore, a single apple a day can keep cancer at bay.
These apples could be eaten directly and the waxy type could be used to cook as well. There are various other health benefits of green apples and one of the other impressive facts is the property to purify blood. They are all round health keepers and therefore they satisfy the common saying – ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’!
Brandon is a writer and writes informative articles on plenty of topics that he’s well versed in. Take a look at some of his articles on Hub Pages and you’ll notice that they’re worth sharing. Go check out some of his articles
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Amazing Health Benefits of Green Apples

Amazing Health Benefits, Health Benefits, Green, Green Apples

via BestgreenApple