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Music Therapy for Pain and Relaxation

Music Therapy

I learned about music therapy while my sister-in-law, Merilee was living in a full care nursing facility. Merilee experienced the symptoms of dementia and even as her memory faded she could sing every word (in tune) to a familiar song. She had a lovely melodious voice and would sing along with the visiting musicians.
My brother, Gary and I attended many of the concerts held at the facility. We would witness patients who were asleep in their wheel chairs become fully alert when the music started. First their feet would begin tapping to the beat of the music followed by smiling, clapping, and singing.
Merilee’s love for music inspired a staff member to advise Gary to hire a music therapist for Merilee. Each week the therapist would bring various instruments for her to play and they would sing familiar songs together. Merilee was always excited to see her musical friend.
I do a lot of research, write articles, and receive information and test studies regarding chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Recently I received a copy of an article that was written by Shivani Lalloo and published on February 28, 2014 by ProHealth on-line magizine. “The Effects of Music Therapy on Fibromyalgia.” In the article Shivani cited the following comment from neurologist Mark Jude Tramo, M.D., Ph.D., director of Harvard’s Institute for Music and Brain Science in Boston and a faculty member of the university’s Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative:
“We believe music can cause neurochemical changes in specific parts of the brain that are related to the body’s feel-good systems-for example, in pain-modulating neurotransmitters. In addition, music’s auditory stimulation of the brain may cause cells to release endorphins, which suppress pain, and immunoglobulin {antibiotics}, which help fight disease.”
It has come to my attention that music therapy is not a new phenomenon. While researching this topic I learned about a 1789 unsigned article, which was published in the Columbian Magazine entitled “Music Physically Considered.” Further, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a physician, psychiatrist, and professor was a strong proponent of using music to treat medical diseases. Two of his students Edwin Atlee and Samuel Mathew wrote medical dissertations on the therapeutic value of music in the early 1800s.
To my thrill I found a copy of the19-page dissertation written by Edwin Atlee entitled “An Inaugural Essay on the Influence of Music in the Cure of Diseases.”- By Edwin A. Atlee, of Pennsylvania. I found his writing captivating with the flavor of Old English influence, wordiness, and humbleness.
The following are a few of Edwin Atlee’s comments about music and its influence on the body:
  • “Fascinating Power of Music.”
  • “Joy”
  • “Music is to the mind, what opium is to the body, a DEVINE MEDICINE.”
  • “In the diseases of debility, we may suppose that lively sounds may afford a healthy stimulus to the body, invigorating it as a cordial or tonic medicine.”
Edwin Atlee indicated in his introduction that his choice of subject may cause some to laugh and some to judge. Yet, he felt strongly that it should be written and was confident that it would spark further study and writings by others.
I also found the dissertation written by Samuel Mathew entitled “On the Effects of Music in Curing and Palliatating Diseases.” Like Mr. Atlee, Mr. Mathew also writes in Old English. His dissertation leans heavily on the effects of music on the psychological traits of hypochondriasis and tonic mania. In this regard, Mr. Mathew points out the patient’s perspective of music and the sounds that are pleasing to them. It is my opinion that his point is well taken; not all music is enjoyed by all people. Therefore, for music to have a positive effect on the body it most likely should be something that is pleasing to the ear.
Further research has shown that music, which is pleasing to the listener, may have the following benefits:
  1. Altered mood
  2. Increase endorphins, which suppress pain
  3. Increase Immunoglobulin (antibodies, which fight off disease)
  4. Improve sleep
  5. Relieve muscle tension
  6. Relieve stress hormones
  7. Relieve emotional anxiety
  8. Slower heart rate
  9. Memory enhancement
I invite you to listen to, explore, and play with music.
  • Notice how your body feels. (Calm, tense, excited, or something else.)
  • Depending on the music, you might close your eyes and imagine the rhythm entering an achy or tense part of your body. Notice if it appears to be lessening the pain and/or tension of that area.
  • Notice what emotions appear.
  • Notice your energy level.
I welcome your comments and discoveries.
Wishing you Good Health and Best Days,
Melody Lutterman, ICF Trained and Certified Life Coach
Melody is an ICF (International Coach Federation) trained and certified Life Coach.She works with clients, like herself, that experience chronic pain and fatigue. Please contact her with your comments, questions, and/or discoveries at Website:
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Music Therapy for Pain and Relaxation

Pain, Music Therapy for Pain, Music Therapy, Relaxation

via BestgreenApple