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Secrets To Using Yoga For Uterine Fibroids Natural Treatment

Secrets To Using Yoga For Uterine Fibroids Natural Treatment

There are many exercises that can help with fibroids including many Eastern practices such as yoga and are considered some of the best exercises for fibroids and their related symptoms. In this article, we look specifically at why and how to use yoga for uterine fibroids natural treatment.
There are many ways of curing fibroids naturally or preventing them with natural methods and one of these methods is with exercise, with yoga being one of the most commonly used techniques.
What is Yoga?
Yoga has been very popular in the Western world and is actually from India where it has been practiced faithfully for almost five thousand years.
Yoga and many other Eastern practices including those from China understand that there is a profound connection between the mind, body and spirit. The practice of yoga and many other Eastern exercises are designed to allow those who practice these various disciplines to be healthier, more energetic and more passionate throughout life.
Yoga combines various stretching exercises with periods of relaxation and controlled breathing all of which are designed to strengthen the body, improve flexibility and balance and calm the mind.
The emphasis on controlled breathing throughout the various yoga poses helps to eliminate stress. Eliminating stress is an important aspect of effective uterine fibroids natural treatment methods. If stress is an issue for you, you may want to try yoga.
The term “yoga” means the union of the mind and body through breath. Not only will you calm your mind through controlled breathing but you will be able to allow your body to become more flexible and healthier through the various stretching poses (“asanas”) common with yoga. I am certain that you have seen many yogis that can twist their bodies into unimaginable poses. Yoga will restore your body to a level of flexibility that you have not had since you were a child.
There are many types of yoga but the most common especially in the western world is hatha yoga which seeks to tone and energize the body and make it more flexible. This form of yoga is made up of various breathing exercises that help to improve general health and wellbeing which can help for those battling uterine fibroids.
Why Should You Choose Yoga?
  1. Unlike most western exercises which can exhaust you, yoga will not do this. After yoga, you will feel more balanced and more vital as it does not drain your energy. If you are suffering from fatigue brought on by the symptoms if uterine fibroids, yoga will help to increase your stamina and vitality.
  2. Yoga is not a competition so do every pose at your own pace and only do what is comfortable for you at whatever stage you are at. Yoga helps to promote inner health which is also beneficial for outer health.
  3. The breathing associated with yoga is to promote self-awareness as well as overall wellbeing and the breathing also helps with holding the various postures of yoga.
  4. You will become stronger and more flexible which also helps with the normal aging process.
  5. Your level of endurance is increased.
  6. You will be able to calm your mind and spirit.
  7. Practicing yoga regularly will improve your mental focus which can help you as you go about your daily life. Yoga also helps you live in the present and calmly go through life with focus.
All these benefits can certainly help you if you are looking for tips on how to get rid of uterine fibroids naturally. Yoga is probably one of the best exercises to add to a fibroid natural treatment regimen.
Yoga for Fibroids
Various eastern practices believe in the concept of energy sources present in the body and when there is an obstacle or blockage on an energy path in the body, sickness and disease arise. These energy sources are called by various names including chakras which were so defined by Indian Hindu philosophers thousands of years ago.
According to those philosophers, there are seven chakras in the body that rise from the groin area to the crown of the head that are each linked to certain specific areas of the body as well as different emotions, earth elements and colors.
The chakra that is commonly related to the uterus is the second chakra which is known as the sacral which is represented by the color orange. Yoga for fibroids includes postures that help to release and stimulate kundalini which is the energy that helps to unblock and balance the chakras which then helps to bring about healing and wellbeing in the body, mind and spirit which should help to eliminate the various uterine fibroids symptoms, shrink fibroids as well as prevent the development of uterine fibroids.
The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and this energy is the trigger for a wide range of sensual forces such as our sexuality, spontaneity, creativity, etc, and when this energy is blocked or unbalanced, issues in this area of the body including fibroids may develop.
Using various breathing and yoga postures can help to eliminate any imbalance or blockage along this energy path. The specific yoga postures that are focused on the pelvic and lower back region help to energize and oxygenate the female reproductive tract in addition to helping balance underlying hormone imbalance while improving the circulation in the pelvic region.
Yoga Poses for Fibroids
1. Stretch Pose
The first yoga pose for uterine fibroids is the stretch pose which helps to release and stretch the lower back and pelvic region. It can also help with constipation and hemorrhoids in addition to pain relief and relaxation.
2. Pelvic Life
This is especially beneficial for menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms as well as pain associated with uterine fibroids. It helps stretch the abdominal muscles.
3. The Bow
This stretches and strengthens the abs, back, hips and thighs while stimulating the digestive organs as well as the endocrine glands.
In addition to relieving menstrual cramps from fibroids and low back pain, this pose can also help relieve fatigue and depression.
4. The Locust
This pose helps to relieve menstrual cramps and lower back pain as it strengthens the abs, buttocks, low back and legs. It will tighten and firm the hips and thighs while improving your posture as well.
5. Wide-Angle Pose
This helps with pain and cramps associated with fibroids as well as relieving PMS symptoms. This pose opens up the pelvic region which helps to oxygenate and energize the female reproductive tract. This is definitely one of the best poses for those considering yoga for uterine fibroids and it also helps relieve bloating and water retention in the feet and legs.
These are some of the poses that are part of using yoga for uterine fibroids treatment and the relief of symptoms. Remember that all poses should be done slowly (do not force any of the poses), while ensuring that you breathe deeply and slowly. These poses can be done at home, a yoga class, etc. Do wear loose clothing and aim for an hour though you can certainly build up to an hour as you get more comfortable with the poses. For complete guidance on natural methods to use to cure fibroids visit
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Secrets To Using Yoga For Uterine Fibroids Natural Treatment

Natural Treatment, Secrets, Using Yoga For Uterine Fibroids

via BestgreenApple