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Top 3 Diets For Fast Weight Loss

With so many diets to choose from, it’s not easy to figure out which diet will be the best one that works for you.
All the experts agree on one thing: The best weight loss plan is one you can keep up.
Here are the top 3 diets:
1. Mediterranean Diet:
The claim: You will drop around two pounds a week.
Overall: The basic secret of this diet is a combination of active lifestyle, weight control, and a diet that is high in produce, nuts, and other healthful foods and low in red meat, sugar, and saturated fat. This diet also promises improvements to heart and brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes control and prevention.
Short-term results: This is designed as a lifestyle change.
Long-term results: You will lose weight and avoid a host of chronic diseases.
Easy to follow: There is a collection of online tips, recipes, and clear basic instructions.
Hunger level/ Fullness: There is normally no hunger occurring with this diet as you still eat the regular recommended calorie portion a day.
Price: This diet is not expensive. Whole grains and other diet components such as fruits and vegetables are actually much cheaper than meat.
2. Weight Watchers Diet:
The claim: You will drop up to two pounds weekly.
Overall: This diet is full of counting calories, but also making healthy life choices.
The program assigns a point value to each and every food and explains how hard it is for your body to burn it. Choices of food products that will fill you up the longest have fewer points compared to foods that are just empty calories. With this system you will be able to construct your own menu and choose “what is the smarter choice for your body?”
Short-term results: This is designed as a long process.
Long-term results: The Weight Watchers Diet is all about long-term life choices and healthy lifestyle.
Easy to follow: It is full of information and rules to follow. The web site has a good online support system.
Hunger level/ Fullness: Depends on how much you control yourself.
Price: You choose what you eat, but it can be expensive.
3. Slim-Fast Diet:
The claim: You will drop one to two pounds weekly.
Overall: The main focus of the diet is to restrict calorie consumption and meal sizes. The Slim-Fast products replace your meals during the day while providing the right nutrients. The prepared The prepared 500 calories meals allow you to eat some of your other favorite foods, while still staying within a set amount of calories. Short-term results: The Slim Fast diet is focused on fast results.
Long-term results: As long as you enjoy the Slim-Fast snacks and meal bars you can stay with this diet.
Easy to follow: Very convenient, grab and go style. It also depends on how long you want to consume Slim-Fast shakes, snack bars, and meal bars. There’s a wide choice of flavors, but if you don’t like the taste it may be difficult to stick with the diet.
Hunger level/ Fullness: This diet would be hard for people who get sick of same products day after day.
Price: Slim fast is a more expensive dieting option because of the prepared products.
Ana Gelfman, offers a young perspective and own experience on how to achieve happiness in all aspects of life such as Love and Health.
Visit my website at: and read about 2 MORE FAST DIETS.
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Top 3 Diets For Fast Weight Loss

Diets, Top 3 Diets, weight loss, Fast Weight Loss

via BestgreenApple

Hypnosis For Weight Loss – A DIY Guide!

Lets be clear about this. What you do is controlled by your brain. The mind is in charge of the body. This is a simple concept that we all understand. When it comes to achieving goals however we can often be sidetracked into being concerned with external factors that we have little or no control over. Often people wanting to lose weight will blame their genetics, or their bone structure, or their hormones, or some other health factor that we have little control over. These are simply a distraction. In life we all have to work with what we have now, not how we wish things were. In fact, it is better to stop the ‘blame game’ entirely. Blaming ourselves, others, the world, etc. is most likely completely unproductive as well as draining and demotivating.
What is key is recognising that in order to achieve new goals we need to change our actions, and changing our actions can only be done by changing our mind.
Note that I am not just talking about changing what we think. Yes, this is important, but far more important is changing our subconscious drives. Our behaviour is directly driven by the emotional/subconscious mind. This fact was recognised by all the early psychiatrists and neurologists like Freud, Charcot and Jung.
Freud compared the mind to an iceberg with the smallest visible part compared to the conscious mind, and the deeper, larger, driving part of our mind being hidden beneath the surface.
Given that it is the subconscious mind that drives behaviour and that behavioural change is what is needed for new goals, how do we access that part of the mind?
Hypnosis. This is the key. Now hypnosis can be done formally with the help of a qualified hypnotherapist or you can use it yourself. There are several aspects of hypnosis that should be achieved:
1. Relaxation. This allows the ‘critical facility’ of the pre frontal cortex to be quietened. Slowing down the critical facility means that changes are more likely to be accepted into the deeper regions of the mind.
2. Visualisation/emotional recall. Purposefully triggering emotions or triggering visualisations that are connected with emotional states allows us to directly manipulate the emotional ‘subconscious’ mind.
3. Hypnotic suggestion. The best forms of suggestion, including hypnotic suggestion for weight loss, are done by a second party. Suggestions that are delievered by someone else are usually more effective than suggestions you give yourself. However autosuggestion (giving yourself suggestions) that you really can believe in is also effective.
Whether it is hypnosis for weight loss, hypnosis for depression, performance or motivation it doesn’t really matter. Follow the simple steps below:
1. Relax in a comfortable position. It can be either sitting or lying. Then close your eyes.
2. Starting with your toes, clench and relax progressively every muscle group in your body until you reach the top of your head. As far as you can, focus on each muscle group. Especially notice the muscles in your abdomen.
3. As you release the muscles in your abdomen, take three slow deep breaths ensuring that your abdomen rises and falls. Do not breathe from your chest. This is the time to let it ‘all hang out’.
4. Breathe normally and continue the relaxation process. Remember to clench and relax the shoulders, neck, upper arms, lower arms and hands.
5. Remember to relax the muscles of the face and jaw if necessary by clenching them first.
6. Mentally scan your body and re-relax any areas that you need to.
7. Introduce mental relaxation by imaging any worrying thoughts or nagging thoughts disappearing. You might like to image them floating away or disappearing into a mist or being breathed out with every out breath.
8. Visualise a favourite place. This can be a place from your memory or a place you can create in your imagination. It should be somewhere you feel relaxed and safe. Spend some time visualising each element that exists in this place – the floor, the walls, the view et cetera. Importantly also imagine the feeling of being there.
9. Recall the old feeling, the one you want to move away from. It could be a feeling of craving junk food, or it could be a feeling of dissatisfaction with a small meal, or it could be a feeling of anxiety that belies the secondary feelings. Think about what the feeling is that really drives your behaviours; then recall it. Just feel it for a few moments if you can, and now SWITCH as quickly as you can to a replacement feeling. The replacement feeling will be one of contentment, fullness, relaxation, achievement or success. Invoke a pleasant memory or imagined scenario to create the new emotion. Do this process a minimum of three times.
10. Recall any unhelpful ‘old’ thoughts. Replace them with a new, more helpful thoughts. For example replace ‘It’s OK to have one more’ with ‘I have the right to chose what I put in my body’ or ‘I am chosing to be in control’. Say the new thought to yourself and experience as much as possible the new feelings that are associated with this new, more balanced approach. You might imagine erasing the old thoughts by rubbing them off a chalk board. Do this a minimum of three times with each unhelpful thought you have identified.
11. Anchor the new feeling and thoughts by performing some movement like pressing together the thumb and forefinger. Alternatively you could pay extra attention to the relaxation in a specific part of your body. You could also recalling a piece of music or say a phrase in your mind that reminds you of this state.
12. Recall the old behaviour. Really imagine it as much as you can, like it was a scene on tv or a movie screen. Now imagine you had a rewind button. Hit rewind to get back to the beginning of the scene and then play events forward again, this time with the new behaviour. Again do this a minimum of three times.
13. Say to yourself ‘this old problem is fading, every day I move further and further away from the old behaviours and old feeligns’ ‘I am creating a new destiny’.
14. When you are ready, gently come back to a normal state of awareness and open your eyes.
This whole process should take somewhere between about 10 and about 30 minutes.
When you have practised this a few times use the anchor that you created (the touch of the thumb and forefinger, or relaxation in part of your body or the phrase) whenever you need to feel and think the way that you planned. Make sure the thoughts and emotions are enough to overcome the situation; if they are not then you will need to practise the self hypnosis more often or get professional help.
I recommend that you practice this procedure around once a day for a week and then about once or twice a week until you are confident that the new thoughts, feelings and behaviour are firmly installed.
Changing your thoughts, feelings and actions through hypnosis is easy once you have practiced it a few times.
Best wishes in achieving your full potential!
To learn more about hypnosis for weight loss or hypnotherapy for anxiety, hypnotherapy for goal achievement or virtually anything else see the website:
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Hypnosis For Weight Loss – A DIY Guide!

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via BestgreenApple

Teens Attempting Weight Loss With Dangerous Cotton Ball Diet

The videos popping up on YouTube of young girls trying the latest fad in weight loss are a cause for alarm. In an attempt to look more like the models and actresses they are exposed to every day, girls between the ages of nine and sixteen are turning to the cotton ball diet and orange juice to slim down. The main idea of the diet is to fill their stomach with cotton balls that are not digested and which contribute no calories so that they lose weight.
What is the Cotton Ball Diet?
As strange as it sounds, people are literally eating balls of cotton that have been dipped in orange juice or other drinks in order to “fill up” their stomach so they won’t want to eat. Although the diet might seem new because of its sudden appearance on the internet, it is believed that super-thin models have been using the diet for years.
Whether an unnaturally thin body is something that the person wants in order to boost their self-esteem, or it is something they need in order to be better at their career, the diet is one trend that many nutrition experts hope will end soon. Teenage girls are already at a greater risk of developing eating disorders and this diet could be the starting point. Once the initial weight loss of fluids and muscle has subsided, loss of fat begins. This slower weight loss can be discouraging, leading girls to try even more drastic measures to lose their unwanted pounds.
Another problem with the cotton ball diet is that the “balls of cotton” are often not made of cotton at all. Many of those on the market are made of polyester fibers that have been bleached and which have chemicals added.
Cotton Ball Diet Side Effects Pose Serious and Life-Threatening Risks
One of the most obvious side effects from eating balls of cotton is that orange juice in small quantities is not close to having the nutrition that the body needs. Vitamin deficiencies and malnourishment can lead to illness and also interfere with normal growth. What may not seem obvious is the threat that comes from eating cotton balls even though they are saturated. They still present a choking hazard. After they are swallowed, the risks grow.
Once a number of cotton balls have been eaten, they can create a large ball, called a bezoar, that can cause an obstruction of the stomach or intestines. This situation can lead to emergency surgery. There is also the possibility of digestive enzymes washing back up into the esophagus or lungs. The balls of cotton could cause permanent damage to any of the areas affected.
Fiber a Better Choice than the Cotton Ball Diet
Foods that are high in fiber and low in calories are also nutrient rich. Eating these foods has the same type of effect that eating cotton balls has by making you feel fuller, longer. Not only will you eliminate the risks associated with eating balls of cotton as a diet that consists of cotton balls and liquids, but you will enjoy healthy weight loss that will help prevent other health conditions from developing.
There are many alternatives to the Cotton Ball Weight Loss Diet that is much more safer. Please don’t be a casualty of this type of weight loss diet.
For more informative information and articles please visit us at Body Fat Killers.
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Teens Attempting Weight Loss With Dangerous Cotton Ball Diet

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via BestgreenApple

Weight Loss Recipe Pan Seared Cod With Balsamic Dressing

Lean protein is your diet is essential to weight loss and weight maintenance. Cod is an excellent source of lean protein as it is lower in fat than red meats.

Losing weight isn’t about hunger, misery and crash dieting! By learning to make, delicious, easy-to-prepare, nutritious food your body needs and will enjoy – losing weight becomes exciting and energizing.

Instead of high calorie, fatty sources – use spices to provide flavorsome, exciting meals your whole family will enjoy. “Pan Seared Cod With Balsamic Thyme” is another recipe in a range of hunger-fighting, low fat recipes to assist you keep your weight under control. This irresistible, no-hassle meal will help you reach your weight-loss goals – while making mealtime a real treat.

Variety is an essential element of any successful health program. If you get bored with foods, you’re much more likely to abandon your program altogether. Experiment with spices to find exciting alternatives, try new recipes and build your repertoire of quick home cooked meals to replace take outs, frozen dinners and snacks. Your body will love you and your family will be delighted.


500g fresh cod fillet (or boneless, skinless chicken breasts)

2 teaspoon olive oil

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoon fresh thyme

salt and pepper to taste


Sprinkle fish with salt and freshly ground pepper on both sides. Heat a large skillet for which you have a cover over medium-high heat. When hot, add the olive oil. When the oil is hot, place the fish in the pan, lower the heat to medium and cook for five minutes or until the underside is brown and a curst begins to form.

Carefully turn the fish over, turn the heat down to medium-low and cover the skillet. Cook for about 5 minutes more. Fish is done when it flakes with a fork. Remove fish from skillet and place on a plate. Bring the heat back up to medium-high, add the balsamic vinegar and cook quickly, scraping the pan with a spatula.

Turn off the heat, put the fish back in the skillet and turn over to coat both sides with the reduced vinegar. Sprinkle with fresh thyme leaves and serve immediately.

* Note: fish should cook for about 10 minutes for each inch of thickness. If you use chicken breast instead, it will need a total of about 15 minutes cooking time.

Nutritional Analysis Per Serving:

Calories: 228

Protein: 40 grams

Carbohydrates: 1 grams

Weight Loss Recipe Pan Seared Cod With Balsamic Dressing

Balsamic Dressing, weight loss, Weight Loss Recipe

via BestgreenApple

Using Yoga For Weight Loss

Yoga can be put to good use for taking off excess pounds through the power of creating a state of mental and physical well being. The basic tenets of Yoga promotes a healthy lifestyle and when combined with a calorie reduction can help to speed up your weight loss.

It will increase your metabolism by increasing the caloric burning process. All weight loss is based on using more calories than you take in. It will also allow you to increase your ability to concentrate and focus.

Your thyroid regulates your metabolism and is responsible for the chemical processes that transform food into energy. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that will help to stimulate the work flow of the internal organs.

This will cause your metabolism to increase and burn more calories which will eventually cause you to have a lower body weight. Another side effect is that it will help to improve your circulation and increase your energy level.

The various back bends combined with the forward bends will help to stimulate the metabolism. The poses that affect the neck region can be helpful in stimulating the thyroid if the weight problem is caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Poses that will help the most for this include the camel, rabbit, plow, bridge and head stand. Going quickly between the various poses can help to accelerate the weight loss.

Beware though that those seriously overweight may find some of these poses extremely difficult and should start slowly with the easier poses and add others as they become more confident in the easier ones.

You can use standing poses to increase muscle strengthening such as the warrior. These will help to create higher endurance and increase your caloric usage.

Remember that a gradual approach is best with all Yoga practices. The long term effects on your weight loss regime will become evident and even more so the inner peace and general well feeling that Yoga will promote within you.

Using Yoga For Weight Loss

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via BestgreenApple

The 6 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to helping you lose those extra pounds, exercise can strengthen and tone your muscles, help reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Each exercise session should include a 5 to 10 minute warm-up and cool-down to prevent injury and improve flexibility. Also, remember that healthy eating and exercise must go hand-in-hand to lose weight and keep it off. Choose a few of your favorites and keep it fun!
Take the stress off your joints and try swimming for weight loss. Swimming laps for an hour can burn 511 to 763 calories depending on your weight, and just floating around in the pool or swimming leisurely won’t do the trick.
While walking is an effective low-impact activity, running or jogging can really ramp up the calorie burn. Depending on your weight, running for one hour at 5 mph can burn between 600 and 900 calories. Throw in some interval training and you’ll fire up the metabolism even more, as well as add a little spice to your workouts. So, instead of doing an easy 3 mile jog every day, add some hills or speed play (jog 3 minutes, run fast 1 min) to keep things interesting. You can also add more challenge to your walk with jogging or hill intervals. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes, you can throw in a 1 to 2 minute jog every 5 minutes.
Strength Training
Strength training, such as lifting weights or using resistance to target a certain muscle group, helps to increase lean muscle mass, which makes muscle more metabolically active than fat. This also means that your body will burn more calories, even while you’re at rest. Spot reducing is a myth, so choose a balanced strength training program that will target all the main muscle groups (chest, back, abs, shoulders, quadriceps (thighs), hamstrings, glutes, & calves) for the best results.
From a motivating aerobics class at your gym to a DVD in your living room, there’s a huge variety of aerobic exercises to choose from. Getting regular aerobic exercise is an ideal way to burn a lot of calories and reach your weight loss goals. You can select a high or low impact style depending on your fitness level. You can burn up to 600 calories in one hour with low-impact aerobics; roughly 800 calories in one hour with high-impact aerobics.
Jumping and bounding movements that challenge your muscles in new ways is called Plyometrics. In addition to helping you lose weight, the explosive quickness and intensity inherent in plyometric exercises also improves cardiac fitness and builds endurance. This type of training is also more advanced and can lead to injury if not performed correctly, or if you have existing joint issues. For best results and safety purposes, consult with a personal trainer or sports medicine doctor before you begin a new program. Some examples of plyometric exercises include burpees, jump squats, jump lunges, double leg hops, power push-ups and plank jacks.
Cross-Country Skiing
Just an hour on the trails can burn between 500 and 800 calories. Cross-country skiing will definitely get your heart pumping and work multiple muscle groups.
Robin Reichert is an AFPA certified nutrition consultant, AFPA certified personal trainer, Beachbody coach and freelance writer specializing in health and fitness. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health. Her services include both in-home personal training and online fitness coaching. To find out more about the Beachbody coaching business or some of Beachbody’s most popular fitness programs, such as P90X or Insanity, you can visit her blog and/or website at
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The 6 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

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via BestgreenApple

The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

Obesity is a growing epidemic that has affected both adults and children around the world. It is a condition where the fat tissues of the body are more than the required Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30. For instance, a 5 feet, 7 inches tall male and weighs 220 pounds have a BMI of 34 and is considered obese.
Poor diet and sedentary lifestyles are known to lead to obesity. In turn, obesity significantly contributes to risk factors of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, respiratory problems, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. However, not everyone is aware that obesity is also the number-one contributor to back pain.
Our spine is responsible for carrying the body’s weight. When too much weight is carried, though, the spine can become stressed and overburdened. Over time, built-up pressure on the back can cause serious damage and result in conditions like osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, herniated discs, back strain and other sources of excruciating back pain.
Conditions Caused By Obesity
You may try to ignore your weight gain, but you should never dismiss the fact that when you are obese, you may develop conditions leading to back pain. The following are some examples of this.
The spinal disc serves a soft cushion or shock absorber between each vertebra of the spinal column. Because of injury or degeneration due to aging, these discs can swell and rupture resulting in wear and tear. The extra weight in the stomach carried by your spine also leads to the wearing and tearing of the spinal discs, and over time can lead to a herniated disc.
A herniated disc may exhibit symptoms of numbness, muscle spasm, and weakness. Back pain only occurs when the nerve roots and the spinal cord around the vertebrae are pressed and pinched by the protruding disc. Herniated discs can also be a factor as to why a large number of obese people have sciatica, because nerves of the legs are pressed by herniated discs.
Osteoarthritis, otherwise known as arthritis of the spine, is very common in obese people. The load carried by the spine increases the stress on the spinal joints and leads to the breakdown of cartilage. Symptoms may appear not only in the lower back, but also in the weight-bearing joints like in the hands, hips, knees, and neck. Weight loss is recommended, but in extreme cases, joint replacement may be feasible, and of course surgery can bring about risk of other health complications, as well.
Lordosis is the abnormal curving of the lower back. The spine is as one with the pelvis. When it moves forward or back, left or right, or as it rotates, the spine adjusts right along with it. Lordosis is developed when the excess weight carried in the midsection pulls the pelvis forward leading to the tightening and straining of the lower back. People with lordosis may also suffer from tension, immobility, stiffness, and pain in the lumbar area and surrounding affected area.
Benefits of Weight Loss For Back Pain Relief
The obesity epidemic did not happen overnight. Industrialization, modernization, and our sedentary lifestyles have made a tremendous impact to our eating behaviors. With fast food restaurants everywhere, convenient supermarkets, and labor-saving devices, we no longer have to put forth much effort to produce and prepare our foods. Added to those are the high calorie and sugary foods that we love to eat.
Obesity is a result of an energy imbalance where you eat too many calories and do not get enough physical exercise to burn them off. Sadly, being overweight can add strain to the ligaments and muscles of the back. Our spine can become stressed, lose its natural strength, become tilted, or develop an unnatural curvature.
While weight loss can help improve serious health problems, it is also common sense to think that it, too, can relieve back pain. If you are obese now, there are many ways available, such as dieting and exercise, that double its benefit for weight loss and restoring your overall health.
Effective Exercise for Losing Weight And Back Pain Relief
Though, exercise is recommended for all types of back pain, some conditions may need a few modifications, including just the right level of intensity and amount of time needed to do the exercise for safety and rehabilitation purposes. If pain follows your exercise, you may try gentler routines, such as Yoga, Pilates, and back strengthening exercises as an introduction to help condition your back. They may include stretching and low impact aerobic exercises that you can start doing for 15 minutes a day.
To begin with, you can do a standing hamstring stretch. It is a great stretching exercise for your hamstrings and your lower back. You may also do this lying on your back for extreme back pain conditions. Stand tall with your right foot forward just a few inches in front of your left leg. Then, bend your left knee while pulling your abdominals slowly inwards. Next, lean forward perpendicularly aligning your shoulders and arms and rest both palms on your left knee for balance. You may repeat this 8 times both on each leg.
Quadruped Opposite Arm/Leg Raise is also a great back strengthening exercise. For your starting position, you should be on all fours with your hands perpendicular to your shoulders and knees beneath your hips. Make sure back are naturally aligned and core is tight. Then, extend the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right arm until they are aligned with the body. Return to the starting position and repeat with your right leg and left arm.
Side plank is best for the abdomen, back, and shoulders. It doesn’t require much movement, but does require strength and balance to hold the position. Lie at your side for your starting position. Next, lift your body off the ground with your forearm and side of your foot. Hold this position for 8 counts, tighten your core, and relax your shoulders.
There are many more exercises that can both strengthen your back and help you lose weight. However, it is important that you also go back to the basic reason as to why you are overweight. A proper diet that includes low carbohydrate and high-fiber meals is more effective for weight loss when combined with exercise.
Dr. Michael Minond is a well-respected Chiropractor in NYC who specializes in advanced chiropractic care techniques such as Applied Kinesiology and Integrated Nutrition. Learn more by visiting his website.
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The Benefits of Weight Loss for Back Pain Relief

The Benefits, weight loss, Back Pain

via BestgreenApple

Top 3 Diets For Fast Weight Loss

With so many diets to choose from, it’s not easy to figure out which diet will be the best one that works for you.
All the experts agree on one thing: The best weight loss plan is one you can keep up.
Here are the top 3 diets:
1. Mediterranean Diet:
The claim: You will drop around two pounds a week.
Overall: The basic secret of this diet is a combination of active lifestyle, weight control, and a diet that is high in produce, nuts, and other healthful foods and low in red meat, sugar, and saturated fat. This diet also promises improvements to heart and brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes control and prevention.
Short-term results: This is designed as a lifestyle change.
Long-term results: You will lose weight and avoid a host of chronic diseases.
Easy to follow: There is a collection of online tips, recipes, and clear basic instructions.
Hunger level/ Fullness: There is normally no hunger occurring with this diet as you still eat the regular recommended calorie portion a day.
Price: This diet is not expensive. Whole grains and other diet components such as fruits and vegetables are actually much cheaper than meat.
2. Weight Watchers Diet:
The claim: You will drop up to two pounds weekly.
Overall: This diet is full of counting calories, but also making healthy life choices.
The program assigns a point value to each and every food and explains how hard it is for your body to burn it. Choices of food products that will fill you up the longest have fewer points compared to foods that are just empty calories. With this system you will be able to construct your own menu and choose “what is the smarter choice for your body?”
Short-term results: This is designed as a long process.
Long-term results: The Weight Watchers Diet is all about long-term life choices and healthy lifestyle.
Easy to follow: It is full of information and rules to follow. The web site has a good online support system.
Hunger level/ Fullness: Depends on how much you control yourself.
Price: You choose what you eat, but it can be expensive.
3. Slim-Fast Diet:
The claim: You will drop one to two pounds weekly.
Overall: The main focus of the diet is to restrict calorie consumption and meal sizes. The Slim-Fast products replace your meals during the day while providing the right nutrients. The prepared The prepared 500 calories meals allow you to eat some of your other favorite foods, while still staying within a set amount of calories. Short-term results: The Slim Fast diet is focused on fast results.
Long-term results: As long as you enjoy the Slim-Fast snacks and meal bars you can stay with this diet.
Easy to follow: Very convenient, grab and go style. It also depends on how long you want to consume Slim-Fast shakes, snack bars, and meal bars. There’s a wide choice of flavors, but if you don’t like the taste it may be difficult to stick with the diet.
Hunger level/ Fullness: This diet would be hard for people who get sick of same products day after day.
Price: Slim fast is a more expensive dieting option because of the prepared products.
Ana Gelfman, offers a young perspective and own experience on how to achieve happiness in all aspects of life such as Love and Health.
Visit my website at: and read about 2 MORE FAST DIETS.
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Top 3 Diets For Fast Weight Loss

Top 3 Diets, weight loss, Fast Weight Loss

via BestgreenApple