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The Effects of Metal on Your Health

What if there was a killer in your closet, right now? Or hiding out in the bathroom, right in plain sight?
Toxic metals are not anything new: you probably know about the hazards of lead paint or welding fumes. But what if there were small amounts of metals in household items you use every day? While they are not in amounts high enough to cause serious damage, their usage over time could have potential effects on your health. Here’s a list of these killer common items and what to look out for:
· COPPER: You knew the cheap fashion ring would leave a green ring around your finger, but what else could it do? According to Natural News, it could lead to mental disorders, autism, copper deposits within your liver and kidneys, as well as heart problems and insomnia. Copper isn’t just found in cheap jewelry, either: some plumbing systems and hot water heaters use copper piping. It can also be found in certain frozen and canned greens, meats, and alcoholic beverages.
· LEAD: You may know about lead paint, but did you know it’s estimated to still be in 64 million homes within the United States? It’s also found in auto exhaust, some antique plumbing, insecticides, shellfish, and even some cosmetics. Cooking utensils, wines, commercial baby milk, and cigarettes are also found to have small levels of lead. Aside from more minor effects like nausea and constipation, lead can also lead to anorexia, seizures, anemia, learning difficulties, and thyroid dysfunction.
· CADMIUM: What if your soft drink could also give you kidney damage? If the drink dispenser has high enough levels of cadmium, it certainly could. Cigarettes, fertilizers, water pipes, and certain refined foods may also cause health problems such as emphysema, colic, and liver disease.
· ALUMINUM: While this metal may seem safe enough, its possible effects on your health may have you thinking differently: dementia, seizures, and motor and behavioral dysfunction can arise from too much aluminum in your system. Some deodorants, cookware, baking powder, salt, and cheeses may contain small levels of aluminum which could be harmful if used for long periods of time.
· MERCURY: This may seem like another no-brainer chemical: you were warned as a child of mercury’s lethal effects on your body. Birth defects, kidney damage, mental retardation, and chromosome damage are just a few of the horrifying conditions that could happen. But mercury is found in just more than old-school thermometers: things like dental fillings, adhesives, cosmetics, and fabric softeners contain levels of mercury.
Don’t panic! While this information may have you ready to run to your doctor’s office for testing, it’s important to know that although levels of these harmful metals have been found, they aren’t lethal in small doses. With as many products that use small amounts of metal, it can be impossible to avoid it. However, if you should start seeing signs of illness following introduction to a new product (cosmetic, food, softener) you may visit your doctor with your concerns. A simple blood test will reveal the levels of minerals and any possible metals within your body, and can be treated appropriately.
Courtney writes for Princess Jeweler, purveyor of custom jewelry crafted with safe metals. To check them out, visit
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The Effects of Metal on Your Health

The Effects of Metal, Your Health, Meta

via BestgreenApple