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childhood obesity causes

childhood obesity causes

Childhood Obesity Is Turning into A Severe Problem In Many International locations At present, the rise in childhood weight problems has several causes The main cause of weight problems is definitely kids eating too much and/or not performing common train or being generally inactive.

The extra calories that are not in a position to deplete by means of workouts or bodily activities will translate into fat, and when this fat becomes extreme and extra, one will turn into obese. This difference leads to weight gain and will differ from youngsters to children that was due to few elements akin to genes, health issues, bodily inactivity as well as psychological points additionally contribute to weight gain and could also be what the causes of weight problems are.

So what are the other causes of obesity in youngsters? Other than dad and mom not bothering concerning the weight-reduction plan of the children and allowing them to eat no matter they want and every time they need, lack of exercise and physical activity can lead to obesity Children who enjoy sitting in front of the TV, while chomping on French fries and potato chips are undoubtedly going to end up overweight.

There may be one more reason for childhood obesity if the child has mother and father and ancestors who’re actually fats, there is no probability that he’s going to transform as streamlined as a leopard. Childhood obesity causes have also elevated previously thirty years. The ever-increasing reduction of childhood train is one cause that obesity is in the rise. Just one state, Illinois, requires its faculties to offer a minimum time amount of bodily exercise per school day.

 One other is the elevated consumption of unhealthy foods. One of many more interesting childhood weight problems statistics is that an estimate one-third of kids between the ages of four and nineteen ingest fast food merchandise on a daily basis. This interprets to a further six kilos gained each year by every baby that has this practice.

Childhood obesity is a serious challenge that every one in all us, particularly parents, want to deal with. Parents ought to educate each other regarding this topic so they can equip themselves with the knowledge to battle childhood weight problems in America. I am positive many of us are unaware, or not updated, of the problems that encompass youngster obesity.

To have only a glimmer of hope in successful this battle, we need to discover out why this is happening. What are the elements that lead to childhood weight problems, and how can we forestall it? There are various factors which might be presumed to be the culprits of childhood weight problems. Childhood obesity is a serious challenge that every one of us, especially parents, want to address.

 Mother and father ought to educate each other relating to this subject so they can equip themselves with the information to battle childhood weight problems in America. I am certain many people are unaware, or not updated, of the issues that encompass baby obesity To have just a glimmer of hope in successful this battle, we have to discover out why that is occurring. What are the components that result in childhood weight problems , and the way do we stop it? The next are just a few of the main causes of weight problems in children.

childhood obesity causes

Obesity, childhood obesity causes, obesity causes, childhood obesity

via BestgreenApple http://ift.tt/RVLfyZ

Obesity and Sleep Apnea

Obesity and Sleep Apnea

What is Sleep Apnea?
Simply explained, sleep apnea is interrupted breathing when you’re sleeping. This sleeping disorder often goes unrecognized to a point where even doctors and medical tests are unable to detect it. Snoring may not be an area of concern for most individuals, but is a significant symptom of this sleep disorder especially when it’s frequent and loud. Apnea affects the consistency of breathing in that there are often unexpected pauses during the process. It is treatable, but the first step of diagnosis is to differentiate it from normal snoring.
If you or someone you know is experiencing this sleep disorder, it is important to consult a medical professional. When it occurs, the interruptions in breathing can last 10 – 20 seconds, and up to 75 times in a single night. This often results in light sleep rather than restorative sleep, which is exactly what the body needs to be mentally sharp, productive and energetic the next day.
This deprivation of sleep often results in slow reflexes, fatigue, dull concentration and myriad health problems to include heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and obesity. There are three types of this sleep disorder namely obstructive, central, complex sleep apnea, and all are curable provided you identify the warning signs and effectively prevent them.
Signs and Symptoms
As mentioned before, loud and frequent snoring are the most prominent symptoms of this sleep disorder, but there are a few more that occur even while you’re awake. You may find yourself falling asleep while you drive, bored or even at work. Other signs include sore throat or dry mouth when you wake up, waking up to urinate frequently, depressed, mood swings, irritable, personality changes, memory or learning problems and headaches especially in the morning.
Sleep apnea in children is even harder to detect than adults. In addition to snoring, some of the symptoms to watch out for are excessive perspiration, bedwetting, night terrors and weird sleeping positions. If you notice these signs, it is important to consult a pediatrician, but standard corrective methods include adenoids or tonsil removal. It is important to note that not all snorers have this sleep disorder, and not all sleep apnea affected individuals snore. Therefore you should carefully analyze the symptoms before jumping to conclusions. One distinct sign is the quality of sleep, so if you snore and still have an energized day, you’re less likely to suffer from this sleep disorder.
How does Obesity affect Sleep Apnea?
Although medical research proves that obesity is one of the leading causes of this sleep disorder, there is evidence it may promote weight gain as well. Unlike other risk factors for sleep apnea such as nasal congestion, smoking and alcohol, obesity is the only symptom that can be reversed. Obesity instigates sleep apnea in several ways including obstruction of the airways, collapsible narrow airways, soft tissue enlargement around the pharynx and increased fat deposits in the throat area.
Treatment Options
Good news is that sleep apnea is treatable provided you take the right steps. There are several treatments you can render on your own especially when treating mild to moderate occurrences of sleep apnea. People suffering from obesity should focus on reducing the extra tissue and fat located in the throat region. This can only be done with effective weight loss remedies.
Shedding the extra pounds is easier said than done, but is the only way to yield great results. Losing weight is not just a cure for sleep apnea, but greatly reduces the risk of heart disease and other health problems. There are several other measures one can take to prevent sleep apnea including sleeping on your side, opening nasal passages, maintaining regular sleeping hours, avoiding alcohol sedative and smoking.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/1t6feSH

Article Source: http://ift.tt/1t6fcKv

Obesity and Sleep Apnea

Obesity, Sleep Apnea

via BestgreenApple http://ift.tt/1m9dbcn

The Solution to Obesity

The Solution to Obesity
Eat smaller portions.
Avoid food that contains a lot of fat and carbohydrate (sugar and starch).
Exercise more.
It’s as simple as that, so why are more and more people in the developed world becoming obese, with the associated problems with self esteem, mental health, heart disease and diabetes that accompany excess weight. Not to mention increased risk of certain cancers.
The sad truth is that too many large, powerful companies base their businesses on encouraging us to eat the foods they produce. The simple business model for any company is that they need to get more and more people to buy their products, so if these companies are to continue to grow and pay their shareholders a healthy dividend, they must sell us more of the foods that will eventually kill us.
There is substantial scientific evidence that processed food is addictive. Once you are conditioned to eating food high in fat, sugar and salt, it is very hard to stop. As with any addiction, you have to have the strength of will to avoid the object of your addiction completely until you have broken its hold. You have to go cold turkey. But the companies selling us the sugary, fatty salty packaged food we find so hard to resist freely advertise their wares, What chance does the consumer stand?
Ideally I would like to see higher taxation of fatty, sugary processed food, with the funds raised being used to subsidize healthy and fresh food., making them more affordable. However, this is unlikely to happen as the companies concerned are so powerful. So what can we do?
Awareness is key. Knowing the odds stacked against us will help us see where the dangers lie. None of the solutions listed below are easy, but all will help in the battle to lose weight.
  • Avoid watching adverts, so you are not tortured by the goodies on offer.
  • Remember that the people selling unhealthy food need to persuade you to buy it. Don’t weaken!
  • Plan meals carefully to be as healthy as possible.
  • Don’t shop for food when you are hungry.
  • Watch portion size, because too much of any food will make you fat.
  • Don’t buy fatty, sugary snacks and drinks. If you don’t have them in the house, it is easier not to eat them on impulse.
  • Make sure you have a good breakfast and lunch, with a smaller evening meal, and don’t snack in between.
  • Keep busy, so you don’t think about eating.
  • Exercise more. Walk and use the stairs. Join a class or club.
  • Try to wait until you are hungry before you eat.
  • Drink plenty of water, as water has no calories and fills you up. In addition, there is evidence that our bodies can mistake feelings of thirst for hunger.
  • Try to cook more meals from scratch at home rather than buying processed food.
  • Don’t expect to lose weight quickly. Don’t weigh yourself too often, and don’t be disheartened if results are slow to begin with.
  • Join a club, or work with a friend or your family to support eat other in your campaign to lose weight.
It is possible to break the addiction to unhealthy food, but it will take will-power and determination. Good luck!
Read my blog at http://ift.tt/1q5Ckq3
Article Source: http://ift.tt/1q5CkGp

Article Source: http://ift.tt/1q5Cj5r

The Solution to Obesity

Obesity, The Solution

via BestgreenApple http://ift.tt/1hIHQMA